
15+ Best Email tracking Tools in 2017

  Email tracking  is software that allows users to track emails and collect analytics such as Email open rates, the number of clicks in emails on links and the count of downloads of email attachment, and know about when the email was read, IP address, Browser, Location, Operating system etc. Email tracking tools: Email tracking useful when the sender wants to know the recipient actually received the mail, or if they clicked the links. Open email and click tracking gives you useful hints about who is engaged and when to follow up. The best  email tracking tools  software gives you much more than read receipts. Best Email tracking tools: Email tracking notifies to us that when we have sent an email that has been opened or clicked. Unlike read recipients, the email tracking software works in the background without interrupting user or recipient. Email tracking can be used by individuals like spammers, email marketers, and phishers, to verify...